Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
The equation 1 and equation 2 above are the result of the Maxwell equations for two independent systems in two independent Euclidean spaces. The two systems (the system with quote and the system without quote) are declared to be independent. This is contradicting the non-relativistic Maxwell equations as these equations are declared in a Euclidean space. The Euclidean space only knows one result as Euclidean space will claim all of the space. There is only one mathematical solution for the observed electromagnetic wave (light). There cannot be a second independently observed as the observation takes place in only one Euclidean space.
But the invariance of the speed of light is declared to exist. So equation 1 and 2 are reality. This means that we can take equation 1 and 2 and create equation 3. Equation 3 is then taken to construct all of relativity. But now there is the following issue. You have taken the mathematical equation 1 and 2 to construct the new relativity theory. With this taking, using of the mathematical description there is no possibility to explain the equations. So simply using mathematical descriptions, is science. The simple equations resulting in rotating gravitational ellipses, are not allowed to be taken for a new theory. This is a biased situation.
Differentiating P4 in the equation below by time is strange. The left side of the equation is differentiated by the time dt of the right side of the equation. Normally differentiating by dt and then reintegrating by dt has no influence on the function being treated. Any function differentiated by something and then reintegrating by something is as if nothing happened. And this is the case for the left side of the equation, but not for the right side of the equation. If you differentiate by time here (dt) , then why not differentiated by time dt at the beginning. Differentiating here by time dt leads to third order equations. The result is energy per second which has three dots. Three /dt /dt /dt so Einstein you have been in third order equations.
Its a bit like:' Logic gets you from A to B, but imagination gets you everywhere'. It is out of the box thinking. The point:' differentiating and then reintegration has no effect' still stands. It looks like: The change in third order potential energy is minus the change in third order kinetic energy.
Mass is the potential energy in third order. The kinetic energy in third order is the second order energy per second. One knows this if one does the exercise of rotating gravitational ellipses.
Allowing the extra differentiation by time here is allowing the extra differentiation of acceleration. This then results in rotating gravitational ellipses.
In science there are three group of people. The first group is those who believe in chance. Every theory is okay but is a successor of an other theory. So any theory is right until the new theory arrives. The reason for not retrieving the right theory is because there is a chance in everything in this world. Everything has an uncertainty and that uncertainty is part of this world. This world is created with uncertainty. Giordano Bruno: this world is created with infinity. The second group of scientists believes every is predestined but it comes out of a large number of parameters. As the number of parameters looks like infinity, the world looks like to be described best by the introduction of a possibility. The second group will state chance will introduces uncertainty and uncertainty will not lead to a better understanding of this world. The third group is not interested in science. Lets just hang around in science to make some money. There three way to get fooled. The first way is to believe what is not true. The second way is to refuse what is true. And the third way is a misunderstanding. Lets just use the misunderstanding to make some money out of this. Albert Einstein was somebody from the second group refusing to believe dP4/dt means an extra differentiation.
Third order
Third order
Stefan Boersen - December 2017
Third order
Third order
Third order
Third order
Pythagoras fails if space has a finite number of positions. Space is created with infinity. Giordano Bruno (1548-1600)
Third order
If we want to calculate pi then we could take the points A=(1,0) , B=(0,1) and C =(1,1) . Pi/2 is greater than root (2) and pi/2 is smaller than 2. Take the middle of AB and we can calculate pi with a greater precision. Taking halve of the angle, again leads to pi with greater precision. We can repeat the procedure again and again. The result with infinite precision is postulated. Are we being deceived in believing in a continuous world? If the world is finite in everything, then that is not understandable. If the world is infinite in everything, then that is not understandable. If the world is a combination of infinite and finite, then that is not understandable. What I do understand is that certain mathematical calculations resemble the phenomena observed quite well. Any continuous mathematical result fitting to observed phenomena is science, as this mathematical result is the calculated description of the observed. Calculating rotating gravitational ellipses is science.
Third order
Om vrij te zijn moet je niets wensen of vrezen wat van anderen afhangt. (Epictetus 50-130)
Some pictures out of my reasoning
Third order
Third order Third order Third order

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