The first law of science.

The unbiased data rule of data and mathematical equations of science.


Any set of observed data accompanied by verbal statements of any observed phenomena is allowed to be described by correct mathematical equations. In no circumstance a break between the data and the mathematical equivalent equation is justifiable. In all circumstances the correlation between data and mathematical equivalent equation is science.


Relativity states that there are two Euclidean spaces. And one Euclidean space states that it consists of 3 dimensions ranging from minus infinity to plus infinity. The result of these two statements is that we have a contradiction in science. For calculating rotating gravity ellipses in a Euclidean space, this means that it is not science as it contradicts the calculation of rotating gravity ellipses in a Relativity space. This is the unbiased data rule of data and mathematical equations of science. The rule should always be leading in a discussion and cannot be broken by tenuric behavior.



1) Dit gegeven :

2) Maakt de uitspraak: roterende gravitatie ellips in Euclidische ruimte.

3) Dan hebben we het concept tussen waargenomen en berekende data

4) En dan zou het "plausibel" moeten zijn de berekening van roterende gravitatie ellipsen in een Euclidische ruimte te "willen".

5) Stap 4 wordt NIET "waar" bevonden.